Thursday, January 30, 2014

Still Bouncing Back

This week's radio broadcast on Tassel to Tassel Radio was all about bouncing back from bad grades.  There I made some suggestions for having a good Spring semester, regardless of your GPA.  The bottom line is . . . you can do well in college.  The key is to identify your talents and be committed to the level of work that is necessary for success.  That is potentially different for everyone so you may have to do things differently than your friends or classmates.

It may take time to get as good as you want to be.  Don't get discouraged; dig in.  I'm not naive; I know at times this is easier said than done.  You can do it if you stick it out.  Etch that class material into your brain by reading, working problems,  seeing your professor, and studying.

Do a little more each day.  Read 10 more minutes.  Do one extra problem.  Ask one question in class or office hours.  The more you do it, the easier it gets.  Soon enough it'll be second nature. I have faith in you.

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