I know you may think I sound like a broken record, and for that I apologize. However, there are things that I witness students doing semester after semester and year after year that can make or break their GPA. The second semester of your first year can sometimes prove to be a bigger challenge than the first, particularly if you were able to rely on high school habits to get by. There are also bare minimums that work, they do.
- read, Read, READ
- attend and be present for every class meeting
- complete every assignment
- ask questions when you don't understand
I've said this before and I'll say it again. Being a good college student isn't magic and it isn't rocket science, but it is work. Real work. Perhaps more work and effort than you've put into being a student before. Commit to doing more than just showing up. Commit to making school and learning a priority and you'll reap the benefits. You know I have faith that you can do it and won't have to be on the wrong side of academic probation before you believe me. Now go forth and learn!
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