Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Starting on the Right Foot

Every time we begin something new, many of us promise, vow, or resolve to do certain things.  When we have the opportunity to do something again, or similarly, we often say we'll do whatever "it" is differently this time around.  So what are you going to do differently this term?

We all have things to work on, so it's unlikely your answer is "Nothing."  Perhaps you didn't have the best GPA and you want to make better grades.  You could have earned a 4.0 last semester, but there are social/professional things you could have done.  Maybe joining a student organization is your goal.  No matter what it is, break your goal down into small, achievable tasks and get to work.

In the last post, I mentioned working on these specific, measurable tasks.  Try it; it works.  Not only does it break down a larger goal into smaller pieces, it also gives you things you can check off as you get them done.     Try it . . . and keep me posted.  I'll check back in a couple of weeks. 

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