Tuesday, November 6, 2012

In the Swing of Things

Well, it's November and you're almost three-quarters into your first semester of college.  By now most of you have established academic and personal habits around being a student.  (Remember, it takes 21 days for our bodies to develop a habit.)  At the institution where I'm currently employed, the University sends out academic progress reports at 11 weeks to give students an idea of where they stand.  If your school doesn't send anything out -- or the last update was at mid-terms -- then it's possible for you determine where you stand yourself.

Every class should provide a syllabus that outlines the grading process and weights for different types of assessments (i.e. there is a certain percentage/points assigned to homework  quizzes, exams, etc.).  If you didn't get a paper copy, it's probably online in a classroom management system like Blackboard.  You can also use a study habits inventory to assess or quantify some of your behaviors.  Based on your class performance and overall personal well-being (physical, mental, and emotional health), make adjustments.  Some of the adjustments may be effective as you go into finals, others may better assist you next term.  Either way, take note of what is working well, where you need to maintain, where you need to improve, and what actions are necessary for both.

You've made it this far and simply need to put in a strong effort for the next four to five weeks.  If you're doing well, keep it up.  If you know you have areas that need improvement, make a plan for what YOU will do.  Being successful will require a real commitment on your part.  Be honest with yourself about how much effort you are willing to put in to achieve the GPA you want.  And just go for it!

Get out and vote!  Be part of the process . . own your future.  Don't let someone else do it by default.

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